Houston UASI THIRA/SPR Meeting Registration Page

2024 Houston UASI THIRA/SPR Meeting Registration

Please complete the information below to register for the upcoming THIRA and SPR meetings. We are scheduling 16 days to review 39 capability targets. We have categorized the capability targets to help you determine which sessions you might be interested in. More information about this process and the schedule, as well list of capability target statements, is available at the following link: https://houstonuasi.com/thira/2024-thira-spr-information/.

After we receive your registration, it may take some time for us to send your invitation. If you don't receive it within a few days, please reach out to either Steven Scandole (steven.scandole@houstontx.gov) or Jonathan Wiggins (jonathan.wiggins@houstontx.gov).

Email address(Required)
Do you require accommodations to enable you to fully participate in this workshop?(Required)
Would you like to attend an informational webinar to acquaint you with the THIRA/SPR process?(Required)
Please note: this does not count towards your participation requirement.
Which best describes the kind of agency you represent?
Which best describes the type of discipline you represent?
I plan to attend the following meetings(Required)
For additional information on these meetings, please click here: https://houstonuasi.com/thira/2024-thira-spr-information/
I am a voting member on the following committees(Required)