The Houston UASI Planners Work Group develops and hosts peer planning workshops twice a year in order to meet the challenges of integrating planning efforts (vertically and across jurisdictional/agency lines), identifying best practices and gaps in the coordination of jurisdictional plans that have a regional impact, and to provide planning technical assistance to regional partners.
Each workshop is not the end-all, be-all to the planning efforts related to the particular planning topic – it is more of a way to start a discussion and plan integration.
Each workshop focuses on one planning topic and addresses best practices, barriers to planning, and coordination efforts. Jurisdictions and regional agencies are encouraged to bring their plans, job aids, standard operating procedures/guidelines, and other planning documents related to that topic to the workshop.
Planners are available during the workshops to assist jurisdictions and regional agencies with their planning needs and questions.
Upcoming Peer Planning Workshops
Topic: TBD
When: TBD
More information is available at the following link: TBD
Past Peer Planning Workshops
Click the links below to access the workshop presentations and products from past peer planning workshops.
Protective Action Decisions (Fall 2023)
Deliberate Planning From Simple to Complex (Summer 2022)
Disaster Behavioral Health (Fall 2021)
Shelter and Mass Care (Spring 2018)
Continuity of Operations (Summer 2017)
Donations Management (Fall 2016)
Emergency Public Information (Spring 2016)
For more information, contact Jonathan Wiggins or Caroline Egan.
Jonathan Wiggins, (832) 393-0933,
Caroline Egan, (281) 275-2860,