Good afternoon!
Please join us next week Thursday for our monthly Technology Work Group meeting. This is our annual meeting devoted to new UASI RCC proposals related to regional technology projects. Interested applicants will present their projects and the work group will provide feedback to ensure the projects align with the Regional Technology Governance and fill identified technology gaps.
The meeting will be held at:
Houston Emergency Center, Room 2081
5320 N. Shepherd
Houston, TX 77091
Please look below the agenda for call-in and screen-share instructions.
No formal RSVP is required, but if you are forwarding this invitation to someone else in your organization, please email their information to by the Wednesday before the meeting so they can be added to the security list for building access and also added to future email distributions.
Lach Mullen and Ian Feldman
Technology Work Group Co-Chairs
- Sign-in Sheet
- Introductions
Vendor Presentations
- None
Meet Our Technology
- None
Status Reports
- Jetty (Mullen)
- i-INFO (Jamieson)
- Alert FM (Jamieson)
- WebEOC (Owens)
- Evacuee Tracking (Farnham)
- GIS (Granberry)
- Digital Sandbox (Feldman)
New Business
- Approve 2019 meeting schedule (tentatively continuing the practice of holding meetings on the last Thursday of each month at 1:00pm, unless that date conflicts with a holiday or major conference/training/exercise).
Old Business
- Final comments on the WebEOC Server Alternatives report.
Technology Proposals
- The Technology Work group reserves time each meeting for interested parties to present a gap that they feel a new regional technology can fill. The Technology Work Group may then choose to investigate solutions that bridge that gap, so that funding recommendations can be made to the Regional Collaboration Committee.
Next Meeting Date/Adjourn
- TENTATIVE: January 31, 2019, 1:00-3:30 P.M. (Room 2081)
- Presentation(s) TBD
- TENTATIVE: January 31, 2019, 1:00-3:30 P.M. (Room 2081)
Please join this meeting from your computer.
To view my screen with your web browser (Chrome, IE11):
If you’ve downloaded the LifeSize app on your computer, you should be able to use this code to connect: 2000524248
Call in to the meeting at 844-572-5683 extension 2000524248 or use video address