Correction: The previous email had the incorrect date in the opening paragraph. This meeting will be one week from today. Thanks!
Please join us next Thursday for our monthly Technology Work Group meeting. Please note that we will be evaluating a new screen-sharing option (HSIN Connect) during this meeting. As such, the call-in and screen share directions (found after the agenda) will be different than normal.
The meeting will be held at:
Houston Emergency Center, Room 2081
5320 N. Shepherd
Houston, TX 77091
Please look below the agenda for call-in and screen-share instructions.
No formal RSVP is required, but if you are forwarding this invitation to someone else in your organization, please email their information to by the Wednesday before the meeting so they can be added to the security list for building access and also added to future email distributions.
Lach Mullen and Ian Feldman
Technology Work Group Co-Chairs
1. Welcome/Introductions
- Sign-in Sheet
- Introductions
2. Vendor Presentations
- None
3. Meet Our Technology
- Identity, Credentialing, and Access Management (Rick Retz)
4. Status Reports
- Jetty (Mullen)
- i-INFO (Jamieson)
- Alert FM (Jamieson)
- WebEOC (Owens)
- GIS (Granberry)
- Digital Sandbox (Feldman)
5. New Business
- Technology Governance Review
6. Old Business
- Technology Matrix
- Public Information Systems Survey
7. Technology Proposals
- The Technology Work group reserves time each meeting for interested parties to present a gap that they feel a new regional technology can fill. The Technology Work Group may then choose to investigate solutions that bridge that gap, so that funding recommendations can be made to the Regional Collaboration Committee.
8. Next Meeting Date/Adjourn
- April 25, 2019, 1:00-3:30 P.M. (Room 2081)
Presentation TBD
- April 25, 2019, 1:00-3:30 P.M. (Room 2081)
Please join this meeting from your computer.
Telephone access to the meeting will be via the following conference call line:
Room 3799374#
Screen-share will be via HSIN Connect. A HSIN account is not required for this meeting (just sign in as a guest). Your computer may need to install the Adobe Connect application (admin rights not normally needed), or your browser will need Adobe Flash. As such, please allow a few minutes prior to the start of the meeting to get connected.
Meeting URL: