On Saturday March 9th, 2019 starting at 8:00pm – Sunday March 10th at 8:00am CST, Juvare will begin a WebEOC update to version 8.6. WebEOC will be inoperable for a time period scheduled for 12 hours. During that time period users will not be able to access WebEOC.
If a jurisdiction has an emergency requiring the use of WebEOC for documentation purposes, we recommend that you implement your information technology continuity protocols and utilize any backup documentation systems/documents appropriate for your use until access to WebEOC can be restored.
If a jurisdiction has an emergency requiring the use of the STAR board during the system upgrade, please reach out to your County Emergency Management Agency or TDEM District Coordinator for assistance.
If we can be of any further assistance, or if your jurisdiction has a significant event that requires access to WebEOC during the scheduled outage period, please contact Termaine Owens at 281-380-8209