WebEOC Work Group Meeting
Tuesday, June 26, 2018 1:30
HEC 2081 and GoToMeeting
There have been discussions to move to the State’s Lonestar server, so I would like for the Sentinels to think about the pros and cons to moving to the State’s Lonestar server. We will discuss the pros and cons from your list during the meeting and then combine it into one document for further analysis.
- Pros and Cons to moving to Lonestar
- Mission Task Board – CMOC
- Other discussions
Some links I found and thought were interesting:
- https://www.everbridge.com/crisis-management-everbridge-webeoc/
- https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/197065.pdf
- https://www.juvare.com/summit-2018-presentations-juvare?utm_campaign=SYS%20-%20Preparedness%20Summit%20-%202018&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=63617883&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8BAXQFm6I2vW6e7UUbFiM8jRP0B8BJCJqjSGNIZ8n-YeOK9rXzGK8E1w0940M1oZ4XNgu6XG1kFNaNkWwiNqwBRCUCz5YFLD96phxNw8dFIjmS-k0&_hsmi=63617883
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