2024 THIRA and SPR Information


This year the region has made some simple changes to the process so it flows more smoothly and quickly. Notably, in an attempt to reduce the time it takes to complete this process, we have created two surveys to enable regional stakeholders to provide input ahead of the meetings. More about that below.



These surveys are each part of the THIRA/SPR process.

This year, we have developed two surveys to collect information ahead of the THIRA and SPR meetings so that we have a place to start. The surveys walk through the core capabilities by mission area. On each page, you will click the checkbox for the core capabilities you would like to provide input on. The time it will take you to complete each survey really depends on you. If you have a lot to contribute, it could take a while to complete. Consider the following:

  • If you’re a Subject Matter Expert (SME) who could speak volumes on multiple core capabilities but don’t have the capacity to do so, we get it. Your contributions on some core capabilities are more than no contribution.
  • If you don’t have the ability to complete the surveys in one sitting, we have no issues if you submit multiple surveys over a span of time.
  • Each core capability in both surveys has multiple text boxes. If you only have something to add to one text box, that’s not a problem. You are not expected to add text to a box just because it’s there.
  • There’s a Save and Continue button at the bottom of each survey. We encourage you to use it in case something happens that might arrest your work (e.g., browser crash, laptop battery dying)

Lost, Built, Sustained SurveyThis survey collects information about whether capabilities in your jurisdiction/organization or in the region were lost, sustained, or built over 2024. Recognizing that 2024 isn’t over, forecast as you’re able for the remaining months. To the best of your ability, tag the information you enter with a POETE category.

Address Gaps SurveyThis survey collects information about activities/actions you believe the region should continue to sustain or that we should build to address gaps in our capabilities.

Meetings (click here to register)

This year the region will host nine in-person meetings to review targets and capabilities in the region.

2024 THIRA and SPR Meeting Schedule

  • September 17, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: All Responders
    Core Capabilities: Operational Coordination; Screening, Search, and Detection
    Functional Areas: Unified operations; Conduct screening operations
    Reference to Table Below: 29, 36
    UASI Committee: FRFC, FRLEC
  • September 19, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Community Preparedness
    Core Capability: Community Resilience
    Functional Areas: Public Risk Awareness; Community Outreach
    Reference to Table Below: 2, 3
    UASI committees: CPC
  • September 24, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Planning
    Core Capabilities: Planning; Threats and Hazards Identification
    Functional Areas: EOP Updates; Community Threat/Hazard Assessment
    Reference to Table Below: 31, 39
    UASI committee: RCC
  • September 24, 2024 (afternoon session)
    Category: Infrastructure Systems A
    Core Capability: Infrastructure Systems
    Functional Areas: Communications Systems; Community Power
    Reference to Table Below: 15, 16
    UASI committees: RMCIC
  • September 25, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Fusion and Intel
    Core Capabilities: Intelligence and Information Sharing; Interdiction and Disruption
    Functional Areas: Intelligence Cycle Auditing/Execution; Interdiction/Disruption Activities
    Reference to Table Below: 19, 20
    UASI committees: IISC
  • September 26, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Cybersecurity; Operational Communications
    Core Capabilities: Cybersecurity; Operational Communications
    Functional Areas: Cyber Plan Updates; Interoperable Communications
    Reference to Table Below: 6, 28
    UASI committees: IISC, RMCIC, ICC
  • October 1, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Environmental Response/Health and Safety
    Core Capability: Environmental Response/Health and Safety
    Functional Areas: HAZMAT Clean-Up; Decontamination
    Reference to Table Below: 8, 9
    UASI committee: FRFC
  • October 2, 2024 (afternoon session)
    Category: Infrastructure Systems B
    Core Capability: Infrastructure Systems
    Functional Areas: Sanitation; Water Service
    Reference to Table Below: 17, 18
    UASI committee: RMCIC
  • October 3, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Recovery A
    Core Capabilities: Economic Recovery; Health and Social Services
    Functional Areas: Reopen Businesses; Reestablish Services
    Reference to Table Below: 7, 13
    UASI committee: RCC, HMC
  • October 3, 2024 (afternoon session)
    Category: Law Enforcement A
    Core Capabilities: Access Control and Identity Verification; On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcment
    Functional Areas: Credential Acceptance; Community Protection
    Reference to Table Below: 1, 27
    UASI committee: FRLEC
  • October 15, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Law Enforcement B; Situational Assessment
    Core Capabilities: Forensics and Attribution; Situational Assessment
    Target reference: Evidence Collection and Analysis; Situational Briefings
    Reference to Table Below: 12, 37
    UASI committees: FRLEC, FRFC, RCC, IISC
  • October 17, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Recovery B
    Core Capabilities: Housing; Natural and Cultural Resources
    Functional Areas: Long-Term Housing; Resource Restoration
    Reference to Table Below: 14, 26
    UASI committee: RCC
  • October 22, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Public Information and Warning
    Core Capability: Public Information and Warning
    Functional Area: Information Delivery
    Reference to Table Below: 33
    UASI committee: RCC
  • October 22, 2024 (afternoon session)
    Category: Critical Infrastructure A
    Core Capabilities: Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Integrity and Security
    Functional Areas: Life-Sustaining Goods Delivery; Supply Chain Risk Preparedness
    Reference to Table Below: 21, 38
    UASI committee: RMCIC
  • October 23, 2024 (morning session)
    Categories: Mitigation
    Core Capabilities: Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction; Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment
    Functional Areas: Building Code Review; Threat and Hazard Modeling
    Reference to Table Below: 22, 34
    UASI committee: All
  • October 23, 2024 (afternoon session)
    Categories: Critical Transportation
    Core Capability: Critical Transportation
    Functional Areas: Evacuation; Clear Critical Roads
    Reference to Table Below: 4, 5
    UASI committee: RCC
  • October 24, 2024 (morning session)
    Category: Fire
    Core Capability: Fire Management and Suppression; Mass Search and Rescue Operations
    Functional Areas: Structural Firefighting; Search and Rescue
    Reference to Table Below: 11, 25
    UASI committee: FRFC
  • October 29, 2024 (morning session)
    Categories: Critical Infrastructure B
    Core Capabilities: Physical Protective Measures; Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities
    Functional Areas: Critical Infrastructure Security Plan Updates; Critical Infrastructure Assessment
    Reference to Table Below: 30, 35
    UASI committee: RMCIC
  • October 30, 2024 (afternoon session)
    Category: Mass Care Services
    Core Capability: Mass Care Services
    Functional Areas: Relocation Assistance; Community Sheltering
    Reference to Table Below: 23, 24
    UASI committee: HMC
  • October 31, 2024 (morning session)
    Categories: Health and Medical
    Core Capabilities: Fatality Management Services; Public Health, Healthcare, and EMS
    Functional Areas: Body Recovery/Storage; Medical Care
    Reference to Table Below: 10, 32
    UASI committee: HMC

Meeting Location
The Houston Emergency Center (HEC) is located at:

5320 N. Shepherd Drive
Houston, Texas 77091

Links to maps can be found here:

Meeting Participation Requirement

All voting members of UASI committees are required to attend one THIRA or SPR meeting for each committee they hold a voting seat on. All jurisdictions are required to attend a THIRA or SPR meeting in the prior year before being eligible to request grant funding. Meeting participants will be directed to a sign-in form where they are responsible for accounting for their attendance, and what committee they are representing at that meeting.


There will be a separate survey, available here, for real-world uses of grant-funded teams or equipment. These surveys provide a critical component in the SPR, allowing us to demonstrate to the federal government how we have used the assets, training, and teams they’ve helped us build. These surveys will be available soon.


Target statements

Below is a list of all the standardized target statements, the corresponding core capability, and the disciplines, subjects, or committees who should participate in the target or capability review process. Each year FEMA assign core capabilities and targets to update, which is what we based the meeting schedule above on.

# Core Capability Target Statement Example disciplines and subjects (and/ or committees)
1 Access Control and Identity Verification Credential Acceptance Within (time) of an event, be prepared to accept credentials from (num) partner organizations involved in incident management. First responders, emergency managers, technologists, first-responders (FRFC, FRLEC)
2 Community Resilience Public Risk Awareness Within (time), (num) households are covered by risk-appropriate insurance, including homeowners, flood, windstorm, and seismic. Community outreach, public information, community organizations, mutual-aid groups, VOADs, insurance industry partners, first-responders (CPC)
3 Community Resilience Community Outreach Every (time), conduct (num) outreach events or activities to increase awareness of locally significant threats and hazards to help the residents be more prepared to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from those events. Community outreach, public information, WUI outreach, higher education and research partners, community organizations, mutual-aid groups, VOADs, private sector partners, first-responders (CPC)
4 Critical Transportation Evacuation Within (time) notice of an incident, complete the evacuation of (num) people requiring evacuation, including (num) people with access and functional needs (requiring evacuation). Medical transport, public transit, private transportation partners, first-responders (RCC, CPC)
5 Critical Transportation Clear Critical Roads Within (time) of an incident, clear (num) miles of road affected, to enable access for public, private, and non-profit emergency responders. Medical transport, public transit, private transportation partners, first-responders (RCC, CP)
6 Cybersecurity Cyber Plan Updates Every (time) appropriate authorities review and update cyber incident plans/annexes based on evolving threats covering (num) publicly managed and/or regulated critical infrastructure facilities. CISOs, cybersecurity practitioners, public works, radio shops, critical infrastructure operators, first-responders (RMCIC)
7 Economic Recovery Reopen Businesses Within (time) of an incident, reopen (num) businesses closed due to the incident. Chambers of commerce, business districts, economic recovery, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZs), economic development, community preparedness, first-responders (RCC, CPC)
8 Environmental Response/Health and Safety HAZMAT clean-up Within (time) of an incident, assess, contain, and begin cleaning up hazardous material releases from (num) hazmat release sites. Environmental remediation partners, HAZMAT teams, environmental partners, VOADs, community preparedness, first-responders (FRFC, CPC)
9 Environmental Response/Health and Safety Decontamination Within (time) of a hazmat incident, complete decontamination procedures for (num) exposed individuals (hazmat-related incidents).  HAZMAT teams, first-responders, EMS, medical transport, hospital systems, public health authorities (FRFC, HMC)
10 Fatality Management Services Body Recovery/ Storage Within (time) of an incident, complete the recovery, identification, and mortuary services, including temporary storage services, for (num) fatalities. Mortuary services, DMORT, public health, forensic sciences, first-responders (HMC)
11 Fire Management and Suppression Structural Firefighting Within (time) of an incident, conduct fire fighting operations to suppress and extinguish (num) structure fires. Firefighting, wildland firefighting, community preparedness, first-responders (FRFC)
12 Forensics and Attribution Evidence Collection and Analysis Within (time) of a suspected terrorist attack, conduct outreach to the fusion center and Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in the community and identify (num) personnel assigned to support follow up information sharing, intelligence analysis, and/or investigative actions associated with the collection, examination, and analysis of evidence, as well as the identification of perpetrators. Fusion analysts, criminal investigations, local, state, and federal terrorism partners, evidence analysis, first-responders (IISC, FRLEC)
13 Health and Social Services Reestablish Services Within (time) of an incident, restore functions at (num) affected healthcare facilities and social service organizations. Healthcare, social service organizations, VOADs, infrastructure partners, first-responders (HMC)
14 Housing Long-Term Housing Within (time) of an incident, (num) people requiring long-term housing, including (num) people with access and functional needs (requiring accessible long-term housing), find and secure long-term housing. Recovery, housing,  community development, DAFN, first-responders (RCC)
15 Infrastructure Systems Communication Systems Within (time) of an incident, restore service to (num) customers (without communication service). Critical infrastructure partners (public & private), energy partners, telecommunications partners, first-responders (RMCIC)
16 Infrastructure Systems Community Power Within (time) of an incident, restore service to (num) customers (without power service). Critical infrastructure partners (public & private), energy partners, first-responders (RMCIC, ICC)
17 Infrastructure Systems Sanitation Within (time) of an incident, restore service to (num) customers (without wastewater service). Critical infrastructure partners (public & private), public works/ engineering, first-responders (RMCIC)
18 Infrastructure Systems Water Service Within (time) of an incident, restore service to (num) customers (without water service). Critical infrastructure partners (public & private), public works/ engineering, first-responders (RMCIC)
19 Intelligence and Information Sharing Intelligence Cycle Auditing/ Execution During steady state, and in conjunction with the fusion center and/or Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), every (time) review ability to effectively execute the intelligence cycle, including the planning, direction, collection, exploitation, processing, analysis, production, dissemination, evaluation, and feedback of available information, and identify the (num) personnel assigned to support execution of the intelligence cycle. Then, within (time) of the identification or notification of a credible threat, identify/analyze local context of the threat for the respective area of responsibility, and facilitate the sharing of threat information with (num) priority intelligence stakeholder agencies/ entities in accordance with the intelligence cycle, and all dissemination protocols. Fusion analysts, criminal investigations, local, state, and federal terrorism partners, evidence analysis, first-responders (IISC)
20 Interdiction and Disruption Interdiction/ Disruption Activities Within (time) of the identification or notification of a credible threat, conduct outreach to the fusion center and Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in the community and identify (num) personnel assigned to support follow up interdiction and disruption activities that may be undertaken against identified suspects and/or contraband. Fusion analysts, criminal investigations, local, state, and federal terrorism partners, evidence analysis, first-responders (IISC, FRLEC, CPC)
21 Logistics and Supply Chain Management Life-Sustaining Goods Delivery Within (time) of an incident, identify and mobilize life-sustaining commodities, resources, and services to (num) people requiring shelter and (num) people requiring food and water. Maintain distribution system for (time). Logistics, food/ water private-sector partners, sheltering partners, first-responders (RMCIC, RCC)
22 Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction Building Code Review Every (time) , (num) jurisdictions review their building codes, and, if necessary, enact or update risk-appropriate, disaster resilient building codes. Fire departments, codes and permitting, first-responders (RCC)
23 Mass Care Services Relocation Assistance Within (time) of an incident, move (num) people requiring temporary, non-congregate housing, including (num) people with access and functional needs (requiring accessible, temporary, non-congregate housing), from congregate care to temporary housing. Public transportation partners, DAFN, housing partners, first-responders (RCC)
24 Mass Care Services Community Sheltering Within (time) of an incident, provide emergency sheltering, food, and water for (num) people requiring shelter and (num) people requiring food and water, including (num) people with access and functional needs (requiring accessible shelter) and (num) people with access and functional needs (requiring food and water), and (num) animals requiring shelter, food, and water. Maintain for (time). Sheltering partners, animal rescue/ sheltering, food and water private sector partners, first-responders (RCC, CPC)
25 Mass Search and Rescue Operations Search and Rescue Within (time) of an incident, conduct search and rescue operations for (num) people requiring rescue. USAR, fire department rescue teams, first-responders (FRLEC, CPC)
26 Natural and Cultural Resources Resource Restoration Within (time) of an incident, restore (num) damaged natural and cultural resources and historic properties registered in the jurisdiction. Arts partners, environmental groups, parks departments, land offices, historic preservation groups, first-responders (RCC)
27 On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement Community Protection Within (time) of an incident, provide security and law enforcement services to protect emergency responders and (num) people affected. Law enforcement, first-responders (FRLEC)
28 Operational Communications Interoperable Communications Within (time) of an incident, establish interoperable communications across (num) jurisdictions affected and with (num) partner organizations involved in incident management Maintain for (time). Communication partners, jurisdictional radio shops, first-responders (IISC)
29 Operational Coordination Unified Operations Within (time) of a potential or actual incident, establish and maintain a unified and coordinated operational structure and process across (num) jurisdictions affected and with (num) partner organizations involved in incident management Maintain for (time). Emergency management staff, first-responders, first-responders (RCC, FRFC, FRLEC)
30 Physical Protective Measures Critical Infrastructure Security Plan Updates Within (time) of completing a risk and vulnerability assessment, appropriate authorities review and update physical security plans covering (num) publicly managed and/or regulated critical infrastructure facilities to incorporate new information from the assessment. Public works, communications, public critical infrastructure operators, first-responders (RMCIC)
31 Planning EOP Updates Within every (time) update all emergency operations plans that define the roles and responsibilities of (num) partner organizations involved in incident management across (num) jurisdictions affected, and the sequence and scope of tasks needed to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond to, and recover from events. Emergency managers, first-responders (RCC)
32 Public Health, Healthcare, and Emergency Medical Services Medical Care Within (time) of an incident, complete triage, begin definitive medical treatment, and transfer to an appropriate facility (num) people requiring medical care. EMS, medical transport, hospital systems, public health authorities, first-responders (HMC)
33 Public Information and Warning Information Delivery Within (time) notice of an incident, deliver reliable and actionable information to (num) people affected, including (num) people with access and functional needs (affected) and (num) people with limited English proficiency affected. Public information staff, emergency managers, DEFN, media partners, EAS committee, WEA message originators, first-responders (RCC)
34 Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment Threat and Hazard Modeling Every (time) after identifying threats and hazards of concern, model the impacts of (num) threat and hazard scenarios to incorporate into planning efforts. Emergency managers, program management, first-responders (RMCIC, RCC)
35 Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities Critical Infrastructure Assessment Every (time) appropriate authorities conduct a review of relevant physical and cyber threats and hazards, vulnerabilities, and strategies for risk management covering (num) publicly managed and/or regulated critical infrastructure facilities. Public works, communications, public critical infrastructure operators, first-responders (RMCIC)
36 Screening, Search, and Detection Conduct Screening Operations Within (time) of notice of a credible threat, conduct screening, search, and detection operations for (num) people requiring screening, including (num) people with access and functional needs (requiring screening). Soft target/ event venue operators, law enforcement, fire, emergency managers, first-responders (FRLEC)
37 Situational Assessment Situational Briefings Within (time) of incident, and on a (num) (time) cycle thereafter, provide notification to leadership and (num) partner organizations involved in incident management of the current and projected situation. Maintain for (time). Law enforcement, fire, emergency managers, first-responders (FRLEC, FRFC, RCC)
38 Supply Chain Integrity and Security Supply Chain Risk Preparedness Every (time) engage (num) partner organizations involved in incident management to promote awareness of threats, dependencies, vulnerabilities, and strategies to support restoration of private sector supply chains. Private sector supply-chain partners, emergency managers, LEPC, critical infrastructure operators, first-responders (RMCIC, RCC)
39 Threats and Hazards Identification Community Threat/ Hazard Assessment Every (time) engage with (num) jurisdictions and (num) partner organizations involved in incident management to assess the threats and hazards that are realistic and would significantly impact your communities. Response/ EM partners, emergency managers, LEPC, critical infrastructure operators, first-responders (RMCIC, RCC)