Please join us virtually next week Thursday for our monthly Technology Work Group meeting. This meeting is one week earlier than normal due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Please look below the agenda for call-in and screen-share instructions. Please note the new call-in number and screenshare link.
No formal RSVP is required, but if you are forwarding this invitation to someone else in your organization, please email their information to ian.feldman@houstontx.gov and glavine@sugarlandtx.gov by the Wednesday before the meeting so they can be added to future email distributions.
Gabe Lavine and Ian Feldman
Technology Work Group Co-Chairs
- Welcome/Introductions
- Sign-in Sheet
- Introductions
- Vendor Presentations
- Deloitte: Close As You Go
System to facilitate disaster recovery eligibility verification and documentation using blockchain technology.
Website: https://www.cayg.app/
Brochure: Close As You Go
- Deloitte: Close As You Go
- Meet Our Technology
- None
- Status Reports
- Jetty (Johnson)
- i-INFO (Arthur)
- Alert FM (Arthur)
- WebEOC (Spivey/Pacheco)
- GIS (Alvis/Ceranek)
- Haystax (Feldman)
- New Business
- December meeting and 2022 meeting dates
- Old Business
- Technology Resource Overview Information (Lavine)
- Updates on Ongoing Assessment Processes: EPI Systems, AlertFM/IPAWS, i-INFO (Johnson, Lowery)
- Technology Proposals
- The Technology Work group reserves time each meeting for interested parties to present a gap that they feel a new regional technology can fill. The Technology Work Group may then choose to investigate solutions that bridge that gap, so that funding recommendations can be made to the Regional Collaboration Committee.
- Next Meeting Date/Adjourn
- TBD (December 30th if not canceled, otherwise January 2022)
* The “Meet Our Technology” section is normally reserved for regional technology, but from time-to-time we see technology that is used in the region which may not be regional, presented from a user or the technology without the vendor present or supporting. If you know of innovative uses of technology in the region which may be showcased here, contact ian.feldman@houstontx.gov and glavine@sugarlandtx.gov and we will make arrangements for an internal demonstration, if appropriate.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 936-755-1521,,858189616# United States, Huntsville
Phone Conference ID: 858 189 616#