February Technology Work Group Notes

Good morning,

Please take a moment to nominate a new co-chair for this workgroup! https://houstonuasi.com/technology-work-group-chair-co-chair-survey/ (due March 3).

The following items were discussed at our October Technology Work Group meeting:

  • Rick Retz briefed the work group on the Mobile Acceleration Project aimed at increasing collaboration between responders while preserving trust and avoiding siloing issues like we had with land mobile radios in the response to the September 11 terror attack. Slides from his presentation can be found here:

    If you would like access to Bridge4Public Safety, contact Rick Retz or Scott Berry.

  • Justin Jurek (justin.jurek@fortbendcountytx.gov) has assumed regional Jetty administration duties. The system enhancement projects have been completed and Justin is learning the system and will brief out next month following some clarification his leadership is seeking from RCC and Executive Committee.
  • WebEOC continues regular meetings on the last Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm. Shelli Carter has assummed regional WebEOC administration duties in her new role at Houston OEM. At the last meeting, the WebEOC work group came up with a strategy for allocating subadmins and redeveloping WebEOC training.
  • Mark Seals updated the group on AlertFM, the contract is expiring in a couple years and MCOHSEM has begun evaluating the software and hardware. New wall boxes are now available.
  • We reviewed the survey sent by the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/d4b16c2fe66d4689b6141110c4db2169 (deadline 3 March 2020).
  • Please take a moment to nominate a new co-chair for this workgroup! https://houstonuasi.com/technology-work-group-chair-co-chair-survey/ (due March 3).

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 26 March 2020. Further details and an agenda will be sent out approximately one week prior to the meeting.


Ian and Lach