WebEOC Change Request Feeback

As mentioned in our November meeting, we have a short poll to gauge overall preferences on the three items on the change request that City of Houston has put forward. Overall statistics and comments will be provided to RCC when they consider this change request next week. Please complete the poll below by 5:00 pm on Thursday 10 December 2020.

If you would like to re-watch the ArcGIS Connector demo, you may do so at https://juvare.zoom.us/rec/share/xstIP5Top3xObp38wUfWSpAfIp3meaa80SdP_vUNnhklf_4SEAdeUtjvEiN8ouBy (use 6M$7$j83 as the password).

If you would like to re-watch the Contacts Manager demo, you may do so at https://juvare.zoom.us/rec/share/NMaaDJUnp76wPkGf92gdl0v5JUvYiScC5SZ2zu_cMzBw3bQ7D6h_2jOsN3h2Tj40.dbGQEUF-8dGZ-vTb (use *4#TH9Ce as the password).

You may also opt to send comments to the RCC voting member for your jurisdiction/county, or to the RCC chair, Jonathan Wiggins.

Thank you!

WebEOC Work Group Co-Chairs